by Brian SpaidAugust
With recent developments in area racing, Tri-City Speedwayofficials have confirmed that the track will run weekly Sunday night races in2008.
"Apparently, some folks in the racing community thought that our midsummerbreak on July 29th was a sign that we are not interested in continued weeklyoperations at Tri-City next season," said Tri-City Co-Promoter Mike Graham."Although Tri-City has been for sale for some time now, that is the furthestthing from the truth."
Graham and his fellow Co-Promoter Roger Crick elected to take the midsummerbreak this season in order to allow for families of racers, track officials andfans to take vacations. It also allowed them time to add more clay to the trackfor the remainder of the 2007 season.
"There is no question that operating a race track takes a considerable amountof time and effort," noted Graham. "We've been in operation sine 1996. Inaddition to the Graham and Crick families, many of our racers, officials andfans expressed thoughts over the last few years that it would be nice to take aweek off in the summer months when family vacations can be planned. We tried itthis season, and we received an overwhelming positive response from our racers,officials and fans. Unlike a rainout, which you cannot plan, the week offallowed people to take extended, planned time off. Even national series like theNASCAR Nextel Cup Series takes a week off midsummer. I fully anticipate that wewill take a midsummer break next season as well."
Rumors about track closure were also fueled by the upcoming week off onSunday August 26th. "We took the second week off this season in order to allow us more time toprepare for our huge Oil Region Labor Day Classic Weekend," said Crick. "Thereare a lot of logistical plans and track preparations that go into that show.
"In addition," continued Crick, "over the years, we found that this night wasnot successful because many area school districts are opening the next day, andfamilies are not able to come out to the races. The last few years, schooldistricts in Venango County have not opened until after Labor Day, but that isnot the case in all of the surrounding counties such as Clarion County. Also,many of our racers with school-aged children are not from this area and travelgood distances to compete. We always like to run a quick show on Sunday nights,but the time off will better accommodate those families."
As for 2008, Graham noted that plans for next season are already underway. "We are in the midst of contract negotiations with the World of Outlaws LateModel Series for the Oil Region Labor Day Classic in 2008. I recently contactedthe BRP Modified Tour to secure two dates for that series, which include theDick Rankin Memorial on May 25th and the Kodiak Memorial on July 13th. We alsowant to look into some other special shows if they work well in our schedule." The only matter undecided at this time is the weekly divisions. "We are definitely running the Thundercars in 2008," said Graham. "As for theSuper Sprints, DIRTcar Big Block Modifieds, E Mods and Pro Stocks, after everyseason we've been in operation, we take time to analyze each division and thelevels of support before we announce the weekly program for the followingseason. At this time, I don't anticipate any changes for 2008. But, we'll make afinal decision as soon as practical after we conclude the 2007 season."
Tri-City Speedway is owned and operated by Roger and Susie Crick and Mike andMargaret Graham. They have promoted Sunday night racing at the popular facilitysince they reopened it in 1996. The Super Sprints, DIRT Modifieds, E Mods, ProStocks and Thundercars race each week at the Venango County half-mile dirt oval.Tri-City is located seven miles north of Franklin, Pa., off State Route 417.
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