Tuesday, February 21, 2012


While Kevin Nouse is preparing to make his debut in the Dietz Motorsports #14 this Saturday at the “Icebreaker 30” for 410ci. powered Sprint Cars at Lincoln Speedway, he also is preparing to continue is annual win streak to 17 consecutive years with an A-Main victory.

Kevin’s streak, which began on Memorial Day in 1996 at the Clyde Martin Memorial Speedway while driving a 270cc Micro Sprint, is something that Kevin is very proud of. “The streak is something that I didn’t even think about until it was at about 10 years or so” Kevin said. “Then it just continued every year until now, and it’s something that’s pretty cool to me. I’ve never been able to put up huge win totals on a yearly basis, but winning at least one race for the last 16 years is an accomplishment that not many drivers can say they have done.”

Another reason for Kevin to be proud of this accomplishment is the fact that he was able to win in so many different styles of cars, and at multiple race tracks. To date, Kevin has wins in 125cc, 270cc and 600cc Micro Sprints, Super Sportsman, 358 Sprint Cars and 410 Sprint Cars at 17 different speedways throughout the United States.

Kevin attributes being a quick learner to his success in such a wide variety of cars. “I always picked up the driving techniques of different kinds of cars pretty quickly. Once I moved into the bigger cars, such as the Super Sportsman, it took a little bit longer. But luckily, we were still able to win a few races as a rookie in that, and then as a rookie again with the 358 cars.”

When asked if he has a favorite win that sticks out above the rest, Kevin quickly replied. “Going to Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2000 and winning a Golden Driller Trophy at the Tulsa Shootout is definitely the win that I’m most proud of. It was only my 3rd career 600cc Micro Sprint start and there were like 90 cars in my class and we dominated the entire weekend there. That was pretty awesome.”

This season, Kevin will have many opportunities to continue his streak. In addition to driving the Dietz Motorsports #14 410 Sprint Car at Lincoln Speedway on a weekly basis, Kevin will again be behind the wheel of the familiar #21T 358 Sprint Car for Mansberger-Nouse Motorsports. That team will concentrate its efforts at Williams Grove Speedway, as well as some additional races that don’t conflict with his 410 schedule.

And for Kevin, it’s all about having a good time. “I’m not going to drive one of these things forever, so it’s important to enjoy the experience while you’re doing it. I certainly haven’t had a Hall of Fame type career like some of my competitors have had, and that’s fine. But the streak is something that I can hang my hat on and it’s also something that nobody can ever take away from me. I just hope to continue it one more year and enjoy the hell out of it while I’m doing it.”

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